Saturday, November 26, 2022

Eliminate B. O.

Recently  in the UK there have been reports of a hygiene problem. People are stuck without having enough money to pay for basic shampoo. They are resigned to staying in their homes and not going out. Keeping clean is important in any country. Here in Japan there are many ways to go about it. 

The above picture shows some basic care products for men.

In the top row you can see products designed to remove the stink most men seem to have. BO is a major problem in the summer and it's elimination is of great importance. The second row continues the BO battle and the prices suggest that they are the better choice.

The third row suggest giving you a natural smell while the final two rows lean more toward regular body soap. The prices at the bottom are on the cheaper end of the spectrum suggesting that they don't work as well.

Do they work? I have no idea and no desire to buy. When I first came here deodorant ( located to the left of the 3rd row) was almost impossible to find. Now it's everywhere. The only one I tried is the cheaper one towards the bottom (Biore). It worked well and I liked the cheaper price. My wife said it wasn't enough and got me something else. (Not pictured)  I do like it and she hasn't complained about my smell so a win.

It's the orange one in the center. The price is still good and it does the job. It says it's medicated persimmon extract. Again the price is okay and the best news is I don't smell as bad as before. At least my wife hasn't said anything.

So the best thing you can do is try and try till you get something you like. Also ask the people in your life. If they are like my wife they will give you an honest answer.

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